8/1/2016 Information Systems Using innovative technologies of virtual machines and cloud computing, MOU’s data centre has the capacity to host a wide range of applications in a state-of-the-art, secure and functional environment. MORE
10/7/2019 What we do The Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes is a non-profit institution reporting to the Minister of Economy and Finance. MORE
1/10/2015 Elearning To achieve the ongoing enhancement of tools and methods for staff training and development, the MOU is designing and implementing since 2007 an E-Learning System. MORE
24/1/2017 41st IQ-Net Conference in Athens The 41st meeting of the IQ-Net network took place on 21-23 November 2016 in Athens and was hosted by the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development - National Coordination Authority and the Management Organisation Unit (MOU). MORE
4/8/2016 Operation of Special Services The MOU executes the payroll of its employees serving in the administrative network that supports the implementation of structural interventions, monitors their movement within the Special Services and performs the relevant administrative procedures. MORE
08/04/2013 Publications & Tools One of the MOU’s main tasks is to contribute to the administrative, organisational and procedural reforms of the system for managing and implementing the EU co-funded programmes & projects. MORE
8/1/2016 Information Systems Using innovative technologies of virtual machines and cloud computing, MOU’s data centre has the capacity to host a wide range of applications in a state-of-the-art, secure and functional environment. MORE
10/7/2019 What we do The Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes is a non-profit institution reporting to the Minister of Economy and Finance. MORE
1/10/2015 Elearning To achieve the ongoing enhancement of tools and methods for staff training and development, the MOU is designing and implementing since 2007 an E-Learning System. MORE
24/1/2017 41st IQ-Net Conference in Athens The 41st meeting of the IQ-Net network took place on 21-23 November 2016 in Athens and was hosted by the Greek Ministry of Economy and Development - National Coordination Authority and the Management Organisation Unit (MOU). MORE
4/8/2016 Operation of Special Services The MOU executes the payroll of its employees serving in the administrative network that supports the implementation of structural interventions, monitors their movement within the Special Services and performs the relevant administrative procedures. MORE
08/04/2013 Publications & Tools One of the MOU’s main tasks is to contribute to the administrative, organisational and procedural reforms of the system for managing and implementing the EU co-funded programmes & projects. MORE
8/1/2016 Information Systems Using innovative technologies of virtual machines and cloud computing, MOU’s data centre has the capacity to host a wide range of applications in a state-of-the-art, secure and functional environment. MORE
HUMAN RESOURCES The MOU is staffed from both the private and public sector. Currently MOU employs nationwide 975 employees with a high scientific specialization and expertise in managing and monitoring regional development programmes. READ MORE
PUBLICATIONS AND TOOLS The MOU designs and develops organisational systems, tools and handbooks providing horizontal advisory, managerial and technical support to Managing Authorities and Beneficiaries of co-funded projects. READ MORE
SUPPORT OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES The MOU provides systematic training, consulting and technical support on the ground to weak municipalities in order to accelerate and successfully implement co-financed projects READ MORE
TRAINING Since its establishment, MOU has placed particular emphasis providing systematic training to Managing Authorities, as well as to Beneficiaries, applying a blended learning strategy through seminars and e-learning. READ MORE